Shallow Mount Bollard System

  May 7th, 2011 | Bollard news
Shallow Mount Bollard System

Installing high security and anti terrorist is normally required around the perimeter of buildings located in built up or CBD locations.   More often than not this involves trying to incorporate deep concrete footings for the bollards around other services. This can often lead to compromising the structural integrity of the footing or making it impossible to successfully install an appropriate level of physical security.

ATG Access ( the world leader in high security and anti terrorist bollard systems have successfully engineered a shallow mount system that provides a solution to these types of installations.   At only 112mm thick the system has been tested and certified (PAS 68) up to 7.5 tonne at 80kph. Each bollard is mounted on a steel biscuit that interlocks with its neighbour. The ATG technology also caters for 45 and 90º changes in direction. It is also quick, easy and economical to install as well as reducing the disruption time required by up to three quarters.

Leda Security Products – ATG’s distributor in Australia is now able to provide this innovative and award winning bollard system to provide high level perimeter and vehicular access security.

1300 780 450